2011年4月13日 星期三

photos of 魏哲詠 and his family NJ visit

Jerry Wei, his wife and their youngest daughter Rebecca swing by NJ in 4/8/2011 on their way home returing from their visit to U. of Penn campus.  Rebecca was accepted by UPenn and checking out UPenn campus and comparing it with Duke's.  Rebecca got also Duke's admission.

We had a dinner party in my house. The participants were people in NJ including 饒達源, 連適任, 魏哲詠, 黃元懋, 陳玉琴, 莊春藻, 申仲和(Math79),and some family members.

We joked a lot about things in life from a recent news of a newly divorced couple in NJ where a Chinese husband, an engineer and a Beijing U. graduate, was poisoned to death by his wife, a pharmaceutical researcher who has access to specialty chemicals and a main land China TsingHua graduate, to how much life insurance one should buy.  Some suggested one million dollars. Then others were jokingly concerned with potential frequent questions from their beneficiaries "When can I get my one million dollars?"  Too much pressure to stay alive, for that amount of life insurance.

Then the topic switched to 黄梅调. We sang some clips from the movie 梁山伯與祝英台 like  "有朋自遠方來  不亦樂.  In a way to welcome Jerry's family. Professor Wei followed and stole the thunder by chanting (吟) "飽食終日"的下一句. For those who don't remember the mocking fun of the stories, you should watch the clip in the movie: from about 23 min and 20 sec to 25 min and  40 sec of the movie  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCA5ukcIrSc

For those who are interested, the movie actually revamped 黄梅.and incoproated elements of western symphony in its music:
臺大美育音樂講座 主題:(系列十六) "'梁祝' 賞析" 越劇、音樂、電影、動畫中的悲戀傳奇 講者:趙琴 (皓明) 博士
People also enthusiastically embraced the idea of forming a 梁祝黄梅club. After the party, people headed home to practice and shapren their 黄梅performance for the next meet.

A Chinese poem to register the dinner party with Jerry Wei's family and forming of the 梁祝黄梅club:


客至傾酒鬧金樽   滿座癡語爭輕狂
梁祝舊曲試新聲   黄梅絲竹行歌吟
尋律裁章作樂帝   輕歌凌波
醉裡乾夢浮生   天上人間笑紅塵


