2009年5月22日 星期五


+++ 以下內容轉貼自母校網頁 +++





2009年5月14日 星期四

金珮姍 來信


- - 金佩姍 2009/05/13

- - - ( 註:最後終於不勝酒力 ... ... )

2009年5月9日 星期六

母親 ── 三十三年前舊作出土

文與圖 / 耀宗


稚嫩的文筆,當然遠遠比不上現在,卻不免想借 IE79ers Reunited 一角,撫今追昔,感傷一番……。



2009年5月8日 星期五

阿財:IE79ers blog 影片 - 敏感處理



( 謹向 阿潘,簡博文,阿毛,陳明哲,蔡桑等致歉! )

要隨時記得洪BIRD交待的 "專業任務",真是力不從心,廉頗老矣.....

胡黃德談「IE79ers blog 影片全部上架」

Dear all,

Thanks for Ying-Tsai's marvelous efforts.

We have photos, videos now. How about the movie?

Mike Hu

2009年5月7日 星期四

畢業30年校慶聚會影片之23 黃雪玲系主任

畢業30年校慶聚會影片之24 饒達源 梅竹賽


畢業30年校慶聚會影片之22 簡榮宏

21 湯玲郎

畢業30年校慶聚會影片之19 許應財之一

畢業30年校慶聚會影片之20 許應財之二

畢業30年校慶聚會影片之17 陳英傑

畢業30年校慶聚會影片之18 胡黃德

畢業30年校慶聚會影片之16 郭定

畢業30年校慶聚會影片之15 王九鴻

畢業30年校慶聚會影片之13 羅耀宗

畢業30年校慶聚會影片之14 尹繼康之四

畢業30年校慶聚會影片之12 蔣恩光

畢業30年校慶聚會影片之11 薛金城之二

畢業30年校慶聚會影片之10 薛金城之一

畢業30年校慶聚會影片之09 洪振創

畢業30年校慶聚會影片之08 尹繼康之三

畢業30年校慶聚會影片之06 羅森源

畢業30年校慶聚會影片之07 張永青

畢業30年校慶聚會影片之05 尹繼康之二

畢業30年校慶聚會影片之03 重遊校園 成功湖 實齋

畢業30年校慶聚會影片之04 永青父親致詞

畢業30年校慶聚會影片之02 林莉02

畢業30年校慶聚會影片之01 尹繼康之一

2009年5月6日 星期三

2009年5月5日 星期二





They were used for the Sunday 4/26 reunion dinner. They may be used by classmates who were not able to attend to review their Chinese class and test how much they still remember. (詳見can you put these two files in IE79 web site?一文)




行酒令 (以茶代酒可也)

1. 唐 杜牧 清明
清明時節雨紛紛 路上行人欲斷魂
借問 _ _ _ _ _ 牧童遙指杏花村

清明時節雨紛紛 路上行人欲斷魂

借問酒家何處有 牧童遙指杏花村

2. 唐 王維 渭城曲
渭城朝雨浥輕塵 客舍青青柳色新
勸君更盡 _ _ _ 西出陽關無故人

渭城朝雨浥輕塵 客舍青青柳色新

勸君更盡一杯酒 西出陽關無故人

3. 唐 李白 月下獨酌
_ _ 邀明月,對影成三人


4. 魏 曹操 短歌行
_ _ 當歌 人生幾何
譬如朝露 去日苦多
慨當以慷 憂思難忘
何以解憂 唯有杜康

對酒當歌 人生幾何
譬如朝露 去日苦多
慨當以慷 憂思難忘
何以解憂 唯有杜康

5. 唐 韋莊 菩薩蠻
勸君今夜須沈醉 樽前莫話明朝事
珍重主人心 _ _ 情亦深
須愁春漏短 莫訴金杯滿
遇酒且呵呵 人生能幾何

勸君今夜須沈醉 樽前莫話明朝事
珍重主人心 酒深情亦深
須愁春漏短 莫訴金杯滿
遇酒且呵呵 人生能幾何

6. 唐 _ _ 將進酒
人生得意須盡歡 莫使金樽空對月
古來聖賢皆寂寞,唯有_ _ 留其名

人生得意須盡歡 莫使金樽空對月

7. 宋 _ _ 水調歌頭
明月幾時有 _ _ 問青天
人有悲歡離合 月有陰晴圓缺 此事古難全
但願人長久 千里共嬋娟

明月幾時有 把酒問青天
人有悲歡離合 月有陰晴圓缺 此事古難全
但願人長久 千里共嬋娟

8. 元 羅貫中 _ _ _ _
滾滾長江東逝水 浪花淘盡英雄
是非成敗轉頭空 青山依舊在 幾度夕陽紅
白髮漁樵江渚上 慣看秋月春風
一壺 _ _喜相逢 古今多少事 都付笑談中

滾滾長江東逝水 浪花淘盡英雄
是非成敗轉頭空 青山依舊在 幾度夕陽紅
白髮漁樵江渚上 慣看秋月春風
一壺濁酒喜相逢 古今多少事 都付笑談中

9. _ 柳永 鶴沖天
且恁偎紅翠 風流事 平生暢
青春一响 忍把浮名 換了_ _ 低唱

且恁偎紅翠 風流事 平生暢
青春一响 忍把浮名 換了淺斟低唱

10. 宋 _ _ 念奴嬌
大江東去 浪淘盡 千古風流人物
故國神遊 多情應笑我 早生華髮
人生如夢 _ _ 還酹江月

大江東去 浪淘盡 千古風流人物
故國神遊 多情應笑我 早生華髮
人生如夢 一杯還酹江月

11. 五代 李煜 烏夜啼
世事漫隨流水 算來一夢浮生
_ _ 路穩宜頻到 此外不堪行

世事漫隨流水 算來一夢浮生
醉鄉路穩宜頻到 此外不堪行

12. 宋 劉過 唐多令
黃鶴斷磯頭 故人曾到否
欲買桂花同載 _ 終不似少年遊

黃鶴斷磯頭 故人曾到否
欲買桂花同載酒 終不似 少年遊
24 饒達源 梅竹賽

2009年5月4日 星期一

can you put these two files in IE79 web site?

The "incomplete poems" file is the file with blanks and the "completed pems" contain the completed poems. They were used for the Sunday 4/26 reunion dinner. They may be used by classmates who were not able to attend to review their Chinese  class and test how much they still remember.
Can you put these two files in IE79 web site,  possibly in two different pages so that people have a chance to test themselves before reaching out to the answer keys.

2009年5月2日 星期六

Ten Things That I Needed in Life I Learned at TsingHua 「清華四年」的「人生十課」

1. Perseverance(堅持到底—有「氣」竟成)

TsingHua Swim Test: Don’t give up easily. Hold one more breadth (not skilled enough to take a fresh breadth), persevere, and you will get to the finish line.

2. Tolerance and Forgiveness(忍辱負重—「鼾」容乃大)

Not until I became married, I did not know that I snore loudly while at sleep. Thanks for the roommates that tolerated my snore and remained silent about it for four years.

3. Austerity and Frugality(清修苦行—勤儉致富)

To say that the taste of the free soup from the TsingHua campus restaurant was light is an understatement. It’s evidenced from the only ingredient in the soup: a few floating yellowish vegetable leaves. For four years in college, we were well trained with food austerity and money-saving skill.

4. There is a will, there is a way(有志竟成—挑燈夜戰)

Some of us were so much consumed by the Kung-Fu fictions that we were on them 24x7 for a while. The dorm exacted the strict light-out hour. People managed to continue the “study” past midnight at the dorm’s bathroom after the light-out hour.

5. You never know which skill will be most useful(「藝」到用時方恨少)

A friend’s (also a TsingHua alumnus) daughter was married to a Jew in US. The wedding was held in the five-star hotel Ritz-Carlton in New York City. The wedding followed the Jewish tradition. The number of Chinese guests could fill only one table, while the bridegroom’s guests filled more than 10 tables. At the dance party, I and my wife’s (also a TsingHua graduate) swinging jitterbug dance that we learned at TsingHua drew most attention on the dance floor. It was the pride of the bride’s family at that night. This is probably the most “notable” skill I learned at TsingHua.

6. Be adaptive to change(適應變化─多思無益)

I tried to deploy the standard layout and foundation in the go game when I played with the TsingHua student activity center cleaning staff Lee, a military veteran. While I always did mental calculations for the next few moves, Lee took only a split second to place his next move. He never needed any layout, foundation or calculation, and he always beat me handsomely. Plan and planning go only so far. Being adaptive to change is more important.

7. Be grounded(自信不能與現實脫節─「Hard Landing」經驗)

I earned the nickname Flying (Hot) Bird from a bike accident on TsingHua campus. Many of us used bikes to go from the dorm to the class. After a while, the comfort turned into hubris. I constantly rode a bike hand-free going downhill from the dorm. Until one day, the front wheel kicked up a tree brunch in the way, which got stuck in the wheel, and brought the bike to a halt. Unfortunately the momentum kept going and pushed my body out of the bike, flying high, and landed on my chin against the gravel. Seven stitches and a month not going home to avoid seen by my mother. Success requires an element of optimism and self-confidence. But confidence must be grounded on reality.

8. Teamwork(團隊精神─湖心競舟)

IE79ers had a boat race one year on the campus Chung-Kung Lake (really just a pond?) The race route was to get to the far-away little island and circle back. One of the boat carrying one of the precious few female IE79ers lost its oars and, worse, the boat began to leak and sink into water. The IE79er boatman scrambled like hell and row the boat with bare hands. Some schoolmates ashore rushed out and wade into the water to help drag the boat to the shore.

9. Foes can be friends(沒有永遠的敵人─梅竹精神)

The annual Mei-Chu Contest between TsingHua and ChaoTung always stirred great excitement and fanfare between the two universities. I remembered one year an explosive news that ChaoTung wore cleats to compete in the Tug of War while TsingHua, unawarely, wore regular sneakers generated much hostility between TsingHu and ChoTung undergraduate students. TsingHua students were screaming bloody at ChaoTung that it cheated the game. Now running into ChaoTung graduates, the contest became a common bond and we laughed off the tension. Today some of those TsingHua and ChaoTung participants are professors in ChaoTung and TsingHua, exchanging their places. I wonder which side they root for today.

10. Camaraderie(友情無價─成就財富有時盡、親情友情無絕時)

Four years of the college, especially residing in the same dorms for four years, left indelible imprint in life. In the end, it’s never how big the house you live, what kind of car you drive, or how much money you make in life that really matter. It’s the connection and relationship you have with your friends, family, and community that give you the greatest satisfaction in life.